As part of entrusting your business with us, we find it necessary for all our clients to know exactly whom they are working with or plan to work with in the forseeable future thus Lets get started:
Ian Mutua is the co-founder and Chief information security officer of Vigil Cybersec Inc, a CyberSecurity and consultancy firm that mitigates, investigates and combats cybercrime In Kenya and East Africa whilst providing CyberSecurity awareness campaigns and training.
''I look forward to a day and a time whereby my country Kenya, East Africa and Africa in General will wake up and realize that we are now fighting the same cyberwar as our counterparts from the rest of the World are and therefore it is high time we take cybersecurity serious ....''
Ian attained his Bachelors in Information Technology(Bsc.IT) with Honors, majoring in Information systems security from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology(JKUAT). His passion with Infosec was accompanied with numerous certificates including Certified Ethical Hacker(CEH), Cisco certified Network Associate(CCNA), Certified Information security Auditor (CISA) amongst many other Professional certificates and an Msc. In Information Systems Security from United States International University Africa(USIU).
In 2017 at an ICT Authority summit dubbed 'Connected' at Diani Mombasa, Ian with his partner won the award of best ICT Project named, 'Damu sasa' a blood donation ICT project that would help key Hospitals manage blood donations effectively and effectively.
Hobbies and Interests
I have a couple of intrests and hobbies I enjoy undertaking when free and when in need of some relaxation When it comes down to sporting activities then count me in. I enjoy a couple of sports activities like Rugby, Swimming and Physical fitness. I engage in self defence classes and weightlifing activities that help me resolve an otherwise tough day or week experienced.

other intrests are motorsports activities as an extreme car enthusiast affiliated with reknown a car group called Petroholics Anonymous.
Occassional gaming and Ehical Hacking and CyberSecurity research on trending and upcoming features is of great interest as it sharpens my brain and helps keep me upto date with current cybersecutiy matters.